Dietary Vegan [Definition]

  • Author: Ben
  • Date: August 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 2 min.

This article will look at what it means to be a dietary vegan and what this definition actually means. We will explore how being a dietary vegan differs from being a ‘proper’ vegan.

Dietary Vegan – Definition Explored

So what is a dietary vegan? Dietary vegans are people that eat a vegan diet but do not follow other elements of a vegan lifestyle.

There are two main categories of ‘dietary vegans’, which we will explore further below.

  • Dietary vegans for moral reasons
  • Dietary vegans for health reasons

Dietary Vegans For Moral Reasons

Somebody who identifies as a dietary vegan for moral reasons will not eat meat and dairy like any other vegan.

They will not eat animal-derived products due to their moral obligation towards animals.

Dietary Vegans For Health Reasons

Somebody who identifies as a dietary vegan for health reasons will not eat meat and dairy like any other vegan.

However, their rationale for doing so will not be from a moral standpoint.

Instead, somebody defining themselves as a dietary vegan may be eating a vegan diet for any number of medical / health reasons some of which we have listed below.

Reasons People May Become A Vegan [Other Than The Animals]

There is no end of reasons why people become vegans, who do not do it for the animals. Below we have listed some of the main reasons;

  • As a weight loss program
  • In order to reduce the risk of heart disease
  • In order to reduce the chances of getting certain types of cancer, such as cancer of the colon
  • In order to lower A1C levels in order to manage diabetes.

It should be noted that being a dietary vegan does not guarantee any of the above.

Moreover, a lot of people will eat a junk food vegan diet and not embrace a healthy vegan diet, and therefore, do not get all of the vitamins and minerals they need to get the health benefits from being a dietary vegan.

Dietary Vegan Definitions [Common Ground]

Both definitions of dietary vegans (moral and health grounds) still have some common ground.

Dietary vegans will not care about vegan materials, sustainable fashion, or vegan skin care.

They may not eat meat or dairy, but that is where their commitment to animals and the wider environment ends.

These people may own a leather jacket, or a leather sofa, or use cosmetics that have been tested on animals.

For more on what it meant to be a vegan, check out our starter guide.

Summary: Dietary Vegan Definition

There you have it, not you know what it means to be a dietary vegan, and how this differs from being a ‘proper’ vegan. In summary, dietary vegans will still eat a vegan diet, but will not commit to a fully vegan lifestyle.

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