Education: Should Veganism Be On The Curriculum?

  • Author: Ben
  • Date: September 10, 2023
  • Time to read: 4 min.
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With the rise of veganism and plant-based eating, an increasing number of parents, teachers, and school administrators are reconsidering whether or not information about veganism and vegan diets should be incorporated into school curriculums. While some argue that teaching about veganism promotes a biased ideology, advocates believe that providing students with information empowers them to make informed choices about their health, ethics, and environmental impact.

The Case for Teaching About Veganism

There are several compelling arguments in favor of incorporating veganism into school lessons:

Health Benefits

A balanced vegan diet has been shown to reduce the risk of major diseases and health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Teaching students about the health benefits of veganism would equip them with knowledge to make informed choices for lifelong wellness. Relevant topics could include:

Ethics and Compassion

Veganism promotes compassion for animals and aligns with ethical principles like nonviolence and justice. Lessons on ethics and veganism could cover:

  • Treatment of animals in agriculture and captivity
  • Philosophical arguments for avoiding animal products
  • Connections between human oppression and animal exploitation

This knowledge could empower students to make ethical purchasing choices.

Environmental Sustainability

Vegan diets reduce environmental impact by decreasing land, water, and resource usage. Educating students on this topic would promote eco-consciousness. Potential lessons could highlight:

  • Lower carbon emissions from plant foods vs. animal products
  • More efficient land and water use for plant vs. animal agriculture
  • Health of ecosystems and wildlife under vegan agriculture

Cultural Competency

An understanding of veganism would prepare students to interact positively with vegans in school and beyond. Lessons could cover:

  • Different types of vegan eating patterns (raw, gluten-free, etc.)
  • Motivations for being vegan like health, spirituality, and food access
  • How to accommodate vegan students for meals, activities, etc.

Overall, incorporating veganism into curriculums would enable students to make informed choices aligned with their ethics and equip them to positively engage with plant-based eaters throughout life.

Concerns About Teaching Veganism

While there are compelling arguments for including veganism in lessons, some express concerns. Common critiques include:

Promoting a Biased Ideology

Some argue that teaching about veganism inappropriately promotes a specific ideology in schools. However, a fact-based, balanced approach that explores different perspectives on using animal products could avoid bias.

Limiting Personal Choice

Critics worry discussing veganism pressures students to conform to a minority viewpoint and limits personal liberty in diet. However, an educational approach that focuses on providing objective information empowers students to freely make their own choices.

Prioritizing Veganism Over Other Issues

Given limited curriculum time, some suggest other topics are more relevant for broad student needs. However, lessons on health, ethics, and ecology could incorporate veganism as one eco-conscious solution among others.

Parental Objections

Some parents may oppose discussing veganism based on personal values around diet. Open communication and opt-out accommodations could address these concerns.

Tips for Incorporating Veganism into Curriculums

If schools opt to integrate education about veganism into lessons, here are some best practices:

  • Take an objective, fact-based approach – Avoid bias by presenting pros and cons of vegan and non-vegan eating patterns
  • Focus on core topics most relevant for students – Emphasize nutrition, health, ethics, environment over niche debates
  • Tailor content to grade level – Adjust depth and complexity for elementary, middle, and high school
  • Make lessons engaging and interactive – Use discussions, debates, projects, and multimedia resources
  • Respect diverse viewpoints – Encourage students to draw their own conclusions
  • Provide dietary accommodations for vegan students – Offer plant-based meal options for school meals and events
  • Invite vegan guest speakers – Let students engage with vegans across professions and backgrounds
  • Collaborate with supportive parents/teachers – Partner with plant-based advocates in the school community

Here are some examples of how schools could teach about veganism in different subjects and grades:

Health/Nutrition Classes

  • Elementary: Identify sources of protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12 for vegans using food models or diagrams
  • Middle School: Compare nutritional pros/cons of vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore diets
  • High School: Design a full day’s nutritionally balanced vegan meal plan meeting dietary guidelines

Ethics/Social Studies

  • Elementary: Read stories illustrating empathy for animals and positive vegan role models
  • Middle School: Debate the ethics of factory farming after watching documentaries
  • High School: Write essays examining the merits of animal rights philosophies


  • Elementary: Calculate water usage for producing vegan foods vs. meat using statistics
  • Middle School: Conduct experiments testing soil health with plant vs. animal agriculture
  • High School: Analyze lifecycle carbon emissions for different food products in a research project

Home Economics/Life Skills

  • Elementary: Make simple vegan foods like fruits smoothies and bean tacos
  • Middle School: Develop veganized adaptations of popular recipes
  • High School: Create balanced weekly meal plans meeting dietary needs on a budget

Conclusion: Should Veganism Be Taught In Schools?

While some oppose including lessons on veganism in school curriculums, there are strong cases to be made for providing students with factual information on the health effects, ethics, and ecological impacts of vegan eating practices.

Taking an objective approach focused on core topics and tailored to grade levels can ensure age-appropriate education that allows students to make their own informed choices without bias.

With proper policies and planning, schools can incorporate veganism in a way that empowers students and provides valuable life skills.